Buddypress Members Directory Geolocation

BuddyPress Members Directory Geolocation extension enhances the BuddyPress Members Directory page with geolocation features and proximity search queries. The visitors of your site will be able to search and find other members based on location and distance, directly from the Members Directory page of your site.

The Buddypress Members Directory Geolocation extension might not work with themes that use a custom Members Directory page. Please contact us before making a purchase if you are not sure about the theme that you are using.

Buddypress Members Directory Geolocation Key Features

  1. Perfome proximity search query to search and find members based on location and disatnce.
  2. Add address field to the search form of the Members Directory page to search for members based on location.
  3. Address autocomplete to display live suggested results while the user is typing an address.
  4. Locator button to auto-detect the user's current location.
  5. Add Radius dropdown select box to the search form so users to choose how far to search for other members.
  6. Distance units - choose between Miles or Kilometers.
  7. Display dropdown select box of either states or countries to find members.
  8. Add distance item to the "order by" dropdown select box of the Members Directory to order the list of memebrs by the distance.
  9. Display Google map above the list of results showing the members location.
  10. Set the map height and width.
  11. Select the map type between Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain.
  12. Show the address of each member in the list of results
  13. Show the Distance to each member in the list of results
  14. Show Get Directions link in each member in the list of results, that will open a new page showing Google map and driving directions.

Proximity Search Query

The visitors of your site can search and find other members based on address and distance.

Google Places Address Autocomplete

Displaying suggested results while typing an address makes it easier and faster for the visitor to find an accurate address.

Locator Button

Make it easier for the visitors to detect their current location by adding the locator button inside the address field.

Quick Filters

The plugin provides the States and Countries filters, and the visitors of your site can easily find other members in a specific state or a country. That is, instead of searching for members nearby by specific address.

Order By Distance

Visitors can sort the list of members by distance to see who is in the nearest.

Google Map

Make it easier to see members' locations with a Google map above the list of members.

Additional information

When setting up the extension, you can set it up to display the address of each member in the search results, the distance to the member, and a "Get directions" ( will open a new page with a Google map showing the driving direction from the member to the address entered in the search form ).

Easy Setup

Settings up the extension and enabling the geolocation features is a simple process. You manage it all from the Settings page of GEO my WP. Once set up, the geolocation features will enable on the Members Directory page of your theme. No extra code is needed.

Exclude Locations

When using the Exclude Locations extension, you can easily exclude and include locations from search results based on different parameters; post authors, user roles, user ID, members types, BuddyPress groups, and more. Limit any of your GEO my WP forms to view specific posts, Buddypress members, BuddyPress groups, and WordPress Users, using pre-defined options.

How It Works

The Exclude Locations extension extends GEO my WP form editor with additional "Exclude Locations" tab, where the new options to include and exclude locations can be managed. This way, you can easily define and exclude locations in each of your forms differently and based on your needs.

Exclude Locations Key Features

Listed here are the main features of the Exclude Locations features. These features apply to some of GEO my WP's core extensions and some premium extensions.

Exclude Posts

Exclude posts from the different Posts Locator forms. The "Exclude Posts" settings tab will be added to GEO my WP form editor with the options listed below.

Exclude Posts Settings


Exclude Buddypress Members

Exclude Buddypress members from the different Members Locator forms. The "Exclude Members" tab will be added to GEO my WP form editor with the options listed below.


Exclude Buddypress Groups

This features is availabe only when the Groups Locator premium extension is installed and activated.

Exclude Buddypress groups from the different Groups Locator forms. The "Exclude Groups" tab will be added to GEO my WP form editor with the options listed below.

Exclude BuddyPress Groups Settings


Exclude WordPress Users

This features is availabe only when the WordPress Users Locator premium extension is installed and activated.

Exclude WordPress users from the different WordPress Users Locator forms. The "Exclude Users" tab will be added to GEO my WP form editor with the options listed below.

Exclude Users Settings


Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation

The Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation extension provides integration between the Buddypress' Extended Profile component and GEO my WP. Using the extension, the members of your site can add and update their location using their BuddyPress Member Profile page That's is instead of, or in addition to the Location tab, that is generated by GEO my WP.

With the Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation extension, new members can add a location during registration as well.

How It Works

Once Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation is set up, and profile fields are linked to GEO my WP, each time a member adds or updates a location, this location will be synced with GEO my WP.

When an address is updated by a member using BuddyPress' xprofile fields, GEO my WP geocodes the address and saves the location data in GEO my WP locations table in the database. This is what makes members' location searchable when using GEO my WP forms and mashup maps.

Please note that locations entered previously the installation of Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation will not be recognized by GEO my WP. The members of your site, or you as the admin, will need to update their location after the installation of the extension to sync it with GEO my WP.

Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation Key Features

  1. Buddypress members can add and update their location from thier Member Edit Profile page.
  2. Buddypress members can add a location during Buddypress registration process.
  3. Link any of the Xprofile fields on your site with GEO my WP.
  4. Limit the address fields members can provide for privacy purposes.
  5. Select between single or multiple address fields.
  6. Enable Google Places address autocomplete on the address field to preset the member with live suggested results while typing an address.
  7. Auto populate the member's current location, when exists, into the location fields.
  8. Disable GEO my WP Location tab to force members to add and update their location using the profile page.
  9. As an admin, you will be able to update other members location from the User Profile page of the admin's dashboard.

Add Location Using Member Profile Page

Allow the members of your site to manage their location from the Member Edit Profile page, for a faster and easier user experience. That is instead of, or in addition to, the Location tab, which some users find more advanced or complex to use.

Google Places address autocomplete can be enabled when using the single address field option as a full address.

Location In Edit Profile Page

Add Location During Registration

With GEO my WP by default, it is impossible for members to add a location during registration. That's because an access to the Location tab only possible after a user has registered. Using Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation extension members can add a location during the registration process the same way as any other profile field.

Please note that this feature only works with BuddyPress' built-in registration form. It does not work with custom registration forms generated by some themes or plugins.
Additional Features

Location fields in registration page

Limiting Address Fields For Privacy Porpuses

When using GEO my WP's Location tab, members can add any form of address, and without limitation; Full address, street, city, house/apt number, and so on. But that is not always the ideal solution, especially when privacy is important.

If you want to keep the location of your members private, you can link specific address fields to GEO my WP, such as city, zip code, and/or state. This way members will not be able to enter a more accurate location, such as the street or house number.

Location Tab Setup

Using the extenision you can modify GEO my WP default Location tab. There are 3 options:

Admin Settings

Setting up the extension is a simple task using GEO my WP Settings page.

Premium Settings

The Premium Settings extension provides additional features and settings to GEO my WP forms builder, enhancing the search forms of your site, by providing more options and filters for your users, when searching for locations.


Listed below are the extensions that are compatible with the Premium Settings:

Premium Settings Key Features

The Premium Settings features apply to Posts Locator forms, WordPress Users Locator forms, BuddyPress Members Locator forms, and BuddyPress Groups Locator forms. This also applies to forms generated by the Global Maps and AJAX Forms extensions.

If a specific feature applies only to a specific component, an extension, or a form type only, it will be mentioned in the features description.

The Premium Settings features are listed below. Following the list, you can find a short description and screenshots for each feature.

Premium Settings Features Description

Keywords Search

Add additional keywords input text box to your search forms.

In the form editor, you can enable/disable the keywords input textbox, enter a label, and/or a placeholder.

The keywords usage is different between the different form types:

Radius Slider

Display a radius slider in the front-end search form, instead of a drop-down menu.

In the form editor, you can enable/disable the slider, choose the default value, min value, and max value of the slider.

Order-by Search Results

Set a default order-by value, or display an order-by drop-down menu in the search results to allow users to order the list of results.

You can set a default order-by value when the page first loads ( Page Load Results tab ), a default value when the form is first submitted ( Form Submission tag ), and generate an order-by drop-down menu to order the results after form submission.

The order-by options are:

Custom Results Message

Generate custom search result message using placeholders like from_count, to_count, total_results, and more. The results message has 2 parts: the count message and the radius message, and you can modify both via the form editor.

For example, you can use something like "Showing {from_count} - {to_count} of {total_results} locations" to display the results message "showing 1 - 5 of 15 locations".

Form editor results message setting.

Form editor search result message setting.

Custom No Results Message

Generate custom no results message instead of the default message. You can also generate 2 links in the message, one link that will re-submit the form with a larger radius value that you set in the form editor, and another link that will re-submit the form and show all locations.

Maximum Zoom Level

Set the maximum zoom level of the map to limit how far one can zoom into the map markers. The value can be between 1 to 20.

This feature can be useful for privacy purposes, preventing users from zooming in and seeing the exact location of the marker.

Map Controls

Choose the map controls which you would like to enable.

The map controls available for both Google Maps and LeafLet are Zoom control, Resize Map, and Scrollwheel zoom.

The map controls available for Google Maps only are: map type, rotate control, scale, street view, and Overview.

Map Controls options

Map Styles

Apply custom styles to your maps using your custom styles, or use Snazzy Maps styles ( requires the Snazzy Maps plugin ).

This feature is available with Google Maps provider only.

Search Results Address Fields

By default, GEO my WP displays the full address in each item in the list of results. With the Premium Settings extension, you can choose which address fields to display.

The "Address Fields" option is added to the Search Results tab of the form editor.

Form editor address fields option.

Form editor address fields option.

Markers Grouping

Use marker grouping methods to group markers that are on the same exact location or very close by on the map. You can choose between marker clusters or marker spiderfier.

Custom Map Marker Icons

Use different icons in GEO my WP forms to display the different locations on the map. You can choose different icons for each of your forms.
The Premium Settings extension provides icons that you can use out of the box, and you can upload custom icons ( only PNG files at the moment ) using FTP access.

The similar options for all form types are:

  1. Display a custom map icon for the location that represents the user's location on the map.
  2. Display different map icons for the different locations found in the search results.
  3. Set custom height and width ( in pixels ) for the map icons.

Listed below are the different map icons options for the different forms/components:

Posts Locator Component

WordPress Users Locator Component

BuddyPress Members Locator Component

BuddyPress Groups Locator Component

AJAX powered Info-window

The details of each location on the map are displayed using the information window ( info-window ). The info window opens with a click on a map marker, and you can choose to generate the data of the info window via AJAX.

This document is not completed and some more features should be added to it.