Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation

Integrate Buddypress Xprofile fields with GEO my WP location.

The Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation extension provides integration between the Buddypress' Extended Profile component and GEO my WP. Using the extension, the members of your site can add and update their location using their BuddyPress Member Profile page That's is instead of, or in addition to the Location tab, that is generated by GEO my WP.

With the Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation extension, new members can add a location during registration as well.

How It Works

Once Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation is set up, and profile fields are linked to GEO my WP, each time a member adds or updates a location, this location will be synced with GEO my WP.

When an address is updated by a member using BuddyPress' xprofile fields, GEO my WP geocodes the address and saves the location data in GEO my WP locations table in the database. This is what makes members' location searchable when using GEO my WP forms and mashup maps.

Please note that locations entered previously the installation of Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation will not be recognized by GEO my WP. The members of your site, or you as the admin, will need to update their location after the installation of the extension to sync it with GEO my WP.

Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation Key Features

  1. Buddypress members can add and update their location from thier Member Edit Profile page.
  2. Buddypress members can add a location during Buddypress registration process.
  3. Link any of the Xprofile fields on your site with GEO my WP.
  4. Limit the address fields members can provide for privacy purposes.
  5. Select between single or multiple address fields.
  6. Enable Google Places address autocomplete on the address field to preset the member with live suggested results while typing an address.
  7. Auto populate the member's current location, when exists, into the location fields.
  8. Disable GEO my WP Location tab to force members to add and update their location using the profile page.
  9. As an admin, you will be able to update other members location from the User Profile page of the admin's dashboard.

Add Location Using Member Profile Page

Allow the members of your site to manage their location from the Member Edit Profile page, for a faster and easier user experience. That is instead of, or in addition to, the Location tab, which some users find more advanced or complex to use.

Google Places address autocomplete can be enabled when using the single address field option as a full address.

Location In Edit Profile Page

Add Location During Registration

With GEO my WP by default, it is impossible for members to add a location during registration. That's because an access to the Location tab only possible after a user has registered. Using Buddypress Xprofile Geolocation extension members can add a location during the registration process the same way as any other profile field.

Please note that this feature only works with BuddyPress' built-in registration form. It does not work with custom registration forms generated by some themes or plugins.
Additional Features
    • Google address autocomplete can be enabled when using the Single Address field option.
    • Addess autofill can be enabled to auto-populate the member's current location ( when exists ) in the address field of the registration form, when the form first loads.

Location fields in registration page

Limiting Address Fields For Privacy Porpuses

When using GEO my WP's Location tab, members can add any form of address, and without limitation; Full address, street, city, house/apt number, and so on. But that is not always the ideal solution, especially when privacy is important.

If you want to keep the location of your members private, you can link specific address fields to GEO my WP, such as city, zip code, and/or state. This way members will not be able to enter a more accurate location, such as the street or house number.

Location Tab Setup

Using the extenision you can modify GEO my WP default Location tab. There are 3 options:

      1. Leave it as is, so members will have to option to use it for adding and updating their location, instead of using the profile page.
      2. Display a map only so members will be able to see their location.
      3. Disable it completely to force members to use the profile page. This option can be useful if you would like to limit the address that can be entered by a member for privacy purposes.

Admin Settings

Setting up the extension is a simple task using GEO my WP Settings page.

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Prefer a Single Extension?

You can purchase this extension only. Perfect if you only need this specific functionality!

**All license options include 1 year of support and updates from the date of purchase. Licenses are billed annually and will renew automatically unless canceled. For additional details, visit our FAQ section or feel free to contact us with any pre-sales question.


  • Version 2.1
  • Developed by Eyal Fitoussi
  • Requires WordPress 5.6+
  • Requires GEO my WP 4.0+
  • View changelog
  • View documentation
  • Ask a pre-sale questions
  • Requirements

    WordPress 5.6 or higher
    GEO my WP 4.0 or higher
    • 2.1 - 7/12/24
      • Fix: address updated in Xprofile Fields doesn\'t sync with GEO my WP when using Multiple Address fields.
      • Fix: The location tab is still showing in member profile page event when disabled it in the Settings page.
      • Enhancement: enhance the locator button and address autocomplete when loaded in the xprofile field.
      • Enhancement: add locator button option to the single xprofile fields options in the settings page.
      • Enhancement: add address address autocomplete and locator button features to the xprofile address field when using the Multiple Locations extension.
      • Enhancement: new filter \'gmw_bpxg_override_blank_multiple_address_fields\' that can be set to true in order to populate xprofile fields that we left blank by the user ( when adding or updating a location ) with returned values after geocoding when using the multiple address fields option.
    • 2.0.2 - 10/22/23
      • Fix: PHP notice.
    • 2.0 - 08/26/23
      • This is a major release that is compatible with GEO my WP v4.0. Please read this post before updating the extension on your site.
    • - 02/07/21
      • Fix: PHP fatal error
    • 1.6 - 01/30/21
      • New: Integration with the Multiple Locations extension.
      • Tweak: improve code and functions.
      • Tweak: new file class-gmw-bp-xprofile-geolocation-functions.php responsible for syncing changes in GEO my WP\'s locations with Xprofile Fields.
      • Tweak: functions and action hooks related to syncing GEO my WP locations with Xprofile Fields moved to a new file class-gmw-bp-xprofile-geolocation-functions.php.
      • Tweak: use include_once instead of include.
      • Tweak: Remove unused code.
      • Tweak: improve settings page code.
      • Tweak: Update POT file.
      • WPCS.
    • Version 1.5.2 - 01/12/2019
      • Requires GEO my WP version 3.2 or higher.
      • Minor bugs fix.
      • WPCS.
    • Version 1.5.1 - 8/4/2018
      • Compatible and required GEO my WP v3.1 using multiple maps providers.
      • Fix: Use include_once instead of include to prevent fatal errors.
      • Fix: incorrect user ID loads when editing location via profile page of the admin\'s dashboard.
      • Enhancement: coding standards.
      • Enhancement: update stylesheet.
      • Enhancement: update code to support PHP 5.4+.
    • Version - 4/20/2018
      • Fix: Address autocomplete feature doesn\'t work in front-end.
      • Fix: Main Javascript file doesn\'t load.
      • Enhancement: Coding Standards.
    • Version 1.5 - 4/2/2018
      • This is a major update which is compatible with GEO my WP 3.0+. Please read this post ( http://geomywp.com/geo-my-wp-3-0-beta-7/ ) before updating your plugin.
    • Version
      • Fix: Make sure Google Maps loads on user\'s profile page admin.
    • Version 1.4 - 4/19/2016
      • New client-side ( javaScript ) geocoding system that should overcome the OVER_QUERY_LIMIT issue.
      • New admin page showing all members that are missing the GEO my WP location.
    • Version 1.3.1 - 11/26/2014
      • Fix: Bug prevents address from being geocoded correctly when admin updates another user\'s location
      • Fix: Bug prevents translation files from being loaded
    • Version - 10/2/2014
      • Fix: location is not being saved on registration
    • Version 1.3 - 9/12/2014
      • Update: Compatible with WordPress 4.0 and GEO my WP 2.5.
      • Update: Improved functions.
      • Tweak: admin can now update members location from the member\'s \"Edit\" profile page or from the \"Extended Profile\" tab under \"Edit User\" page in the dashboard ( indruduced in BuddyPress 2.0 ).
      • Tweak: Display map instead of the location form in the Location tab of the member\'s profile ( only when using GEO my WP 2.5 or higher ).
    • Version 1.2.1 - 5/1/2014:
      • Compatible with BuddyPress 2.0
      • Improved: Auto-complete now uses Google Places.
      • Fix: Run xprofile_updated_profile action earlier to prevent conflict with other BuddyPress plugins.
      • Update language files
    • 1.2:
      • This is a major update that will work only with GEO my WP 2.4 and up. Please read about it here. Detailed change log will be added soon.
    • 1.1: Minor bug fix
    • 1.0 : Initial release