Formidable Geolocation

The ultimate geolocation solution for Formidable Forms, featuring Google Maps tools like geocoding, address autocomplete, map fields, and driving directions.

Formidabble Geolocation is a complete Geolocation solution for the Formidable Forms plugin.

Formidable Geolocation add-on uses Google Maps API to enhance Formidable Forms plugin with Geolocation and mapping features. With Formidable Geolocation, you can easily add unlimited Google maps, address fields, auto-locator buttons, Google address autocomplete, and more, to any of your Formidable forms. Using Formidable Geolocation you can present the visitors of your site with a simple geotagging solution.

Please visit the official Formidable Geolocation website for more details.

  • Single site license

  • 5 sites license

  • Unlimited sites license

  • 3 active sites & lifetime license

  • 5 sites license

  • 20 sites license

  • 1 site lifetime license

  • 5 sites lifetime license

  • 20 sites lifetime license

  • Single site license

  • 5 sites license

  • Unlimited sites license

  • 3 active sites & lifetime license

  • 5 sites license

  • 20 sites license

  • 1 site lifetime license

  • 5 sites lifetime license

  • 20 sites lifetime license

License Agreement
All license options are valid for 1 year from the date of purchase, which during this time you will be eligible for support and updates. All prices are billed yearly until canceled.
For more information, visit our FAQ section or ask a pre-sales question.
Extension Details
Version 2.3
Developed by Eyal Fitoussi
Requires WordPress 4.0 or higher
Requires GEO my WP  or higher
WordPress 4.0 or higher
GEO my WP  or higher
  • Version 2.3 - 10/11/2021
    • Fix: conflict with Formidable Form v5.0.
    • fix: PHP 8.0 warning.
    • New: shortcode to display a mashup map of entries\' location.
    • Tweak: remove the \"Default value\" field option from the Map field.
  • Version 2.2 9/22/2020
    • Fix: using wrong field ID when checking for the auto-locator on page load.
    • Fix: issue with map and directions when using a multi-page form.
    • Fix: when getting the object_id ( using get_object_id() ) verify that the $field argument is an array rather than an object.
    • Fix: issue with the output of the coordinates filed when using merge tags.
    • Tweak: remove the deprecated fields \'utc_offset\' and \'permanently_closed\' from Google Places API to prevent JavaScript warnings.
    • Tweak: generate geocoder ID based on the repeatable section when using repeatable fields.
    • Tweak: use the field key instead of the field ID when generating the geolocation fields.
    • Function: FRMGEO_Helper::get_object_id() to generate different object ID ( geocoder id, field Id... ) when generateging the geolocation fields.
    • Tweak: pass addition arguments to the get_locator_button() function.
    • Tweak: when first initiating a geolocation field using mark it as initiated using the \'frmgeo-field-initiated\' to prevent the plugin from initiating a field more than once.
    • Tweak: Initiate geolocation fields when a new repeatable field is added.
    • Tweak: when executing directions, collect the Geocoder field data from the status hidden field of the Geocoder field rather than from wrapping div of the Geocoder field. When the Geocoder is in a hidden form page, the wrapping div does not exist.
    • Tweak: trigger directions dynamically when page reload after failed form submission or when switching between pages.
    • Enhancement: remove unused code.
    • WPCS
  • Version 2.1 5/26/2020
    • Enhancement: restrict the address autocomplete to return the basic SKU fields only. This prevents the Atmosphere and Contact SKU Data from being generated and will decrease the Google Maps API data usage.
    • Fix: issue with directions panel not showing.
    • Fix: Form editor geolocation buttons styling.
    • Fix: location data is not updated in GEO my WP DB when a post is created or updated via Formidable Forms.
    • Fix: issue with the placeholder settings for the coordinates field.
    • Fix: Google Maps API conflict when GEO my WP plugin is activated.
    • Tweak: add width and height to locator button images.
  • Version 2.0 4/13/2020
    • This is a major update, please consider doing a backup for your site before updating the plugin.
    • Improved integration with Formidable Forms version 4+.
    • Visual Improvement of the geolocation settings and the geolocation fields of the form builder.
    • New: Distance calculation, Routes & Directions features were added to the Geocoder field.
    • New: Directions Panel field to display the Driving directions.
    • New: In the address field of the plugin force the user to select an address form the address autocomplete suggested results.
    • New: setting for Google Maps server API key in the Settings page for better handling the static maps.
    • Fix: verify variable before output to prevent PHP warnings.
    • Fix: add the missing \'address\' field to the geocoder field.
    • Fix: Google Maps API is being registered even when is disabled on the Settings page.
    • Tweak: display map image instead of a live map in the entry view page.
    • Tweak: reorder the geolocation fields buttons.
    • Improvement: better handle field values output.
    • Updated POT file.
    • WPCS.
    • Various bugs fix and improvements.
  • Version 1.4.2 - 5/4/2019
    • Fix: Javascript errors caused by the show_trigger() function.
    • Fix: correct issue where the formatted address is passed to the \'address\' field of the geocoder instead of the address entered by the user when using the advanced address field.
    • Fix: enable CTRL + scroll for map zoom in/out.
    • Fix: prevent PHP error related to a missing GEO my WP function.
    • New: add validation to coordinates fields.
    • New: Add \"read only\" option to address and coordinates fields.
    • Tweak: Update license updater class.
    • Tweak: use Formidable Forms Tooltips in for the geolocation settings.
    • Tweak: modify extension links in the plugins page.
    • Tweak: Update transient expiration.
    • Tweak: Rename license key file.
    • Filter: \'frmgeo_address_autocomplete_place_changed\' triggered on address autocomplete place changed.
    • Additional minor bugs fix and enhancements.
  • Version 1.4.1 - 1/24/2019
    • Fix: geolocation not enabled on Advanced address field.
    • Fix: hide address autocomplete field of advanced address by default. It will show after the page was loaded.
    • Fix: geolocation is not enabled on advanced address field.
    • Fix: locator button styling in the advanced address field.
    • Fix: add missing trigger( ‘change’ ) event when clearing and updating dynamic fields.
    • Fix: missing default coordinates when adding new coordinates fields to the form editor.
    • Fix: scroll wheel zoom map option missing in map options.
    • Fix: custom marker URL is not generated in the map.
    • Fix: location isn\'t saved in GEO my WP when the user is logged out.
    • New: dynamic field option support for number and lookup field types.
    • New: admin setting to disable Google Maps API ( in case another plugin already loads it ).
    • New: enable Google Maps URL for sites located in China.
    • New: \"street ( street name + number )\" dynamic field option.
    • New: support multiple countries restriction in the address autocomplete feature.
    • New: support for GEO my WP map icons field option in the form settings page.
    • New: better import/export to CSV of the geocoder and coordinates fields.
    • Hook: new Javascript hook after map rendered.
    • Tweak: do not verify map location or coordinates by default. Allow passing coordinates only even if the address was not found.
    • Tweak: use locator image for locator button instead of a dashicon.
    • Tweak: update GEO my WP deprecated function.
    • Tweak: Update locator button styling.
    • Enhancement: enable Google Maps API key only when needed instead of on all pages.
    • Enhancement: WordPress coding standards.
    • Enhancement: update error messages.
    • Enhancement: update plugin updater files.
    • Security: escaping and sanitizing values.
  • Version - 2/8/2018
    • Fix: data fails saving into GEO my WP geolocation tables.
  • Version 1.4 - 1/25/2018
    • Update: compatibility with GEO my WP 3.0 when saving post and user location.
    • Tweak: load stylesheet only when needed.
    • Tweak: if city value was not found in locality, look in postal_town instead.
    • Tweak: show license key input box in plugins page even when GEO my WP installed.
    • Fix: static map won\'t generate in notifications.
  • Version 1.3 - 6/14/2017
    • Fix: Updating an address of a specific geocoder clears the location from all geocoders exist in a form.
    • Fix: “Do not clear default value” and “Default value will not pass form” options in Coordinates field.
    • Removed: Latitude and Longitude placeholder field options were removed. You can now use the “Do not clear default value” option instead.
    • New Google Maps API region and language settings added to the settings page.
    • New: sync user\'s location with GEO my WP without the need for \"User Registration\" form action.
  • Version 1.2 - 03/13/2017
    • New: geolocation support for the \"Address\" field from Formidable Pro.
    • New: coordinates fields added to the plugin.
    • New: option to disable address output when updating the map.
    • New: option to move marker with a click on the map.
    • New: output fields: place name and sub-premise.
    • Fix: remove warnings by changing hook priority.
    • Update: link to Google Maps API tutorial.
    • Update: improve licensing system.
    • Update: improved front-end styling.
    • various bugs fix.
  • Version 1.1 - 08/05/2016
    • Add an API key text input box to Formidable settings page.
    • Google Maps API key is required in order to use the Google Maps features on your site. Please follow this tuturial on how to create the proper API key and how to enable the required API services. Then enter the API key in the input box in the settings page.
  • Version 1.0 - 01/23/2016
    • 1.0 : Initial release.