GEO my WP 2.0 Beta

By Eyal Fitoussi - Published on June 1, 2013

Finally!! it has been a while since i started working on version 2.0 of GEO my WP and hopefully very soon i will release the final version. Below you can download the Beta version of version 2.0.

This is a major update with many bugs fix, core modification and improvements in the back and front end. Below are some of the major changes in this version:

  1.  80% of the code had been modified. The code reduced drastically, It is much cleaner, should perform better, many function are documented, the number of files and folders had been reduced and more organized.
  2. The admin pages had been modified as well. i gave a  different styling and the shortcode page is much easier to work with.
  3. The main search queries are now working directly with wordpress query (wp_query) and buddypress query ( BP_user_query) which should be better for performance and will be much easier to modify the plugin to work with every theme. Now you can simply copy and paste the wordpress posts loop from the theme that you are using into the result.php page of the plugin in order to have the results page match you theme.  you can open the results.php page of the "default" theme in geo my wp themes and see how i did it.
  4. Now you can easily choose ( in the shortcode settings) and modify (using FTP access) the search forms of the plugin, just like the results theme. so you can have a full control on the search form and results.
  5.  improved widgets and shortcodes.
  6. other features and improvements.
  7. Important: i have modified most of the CSS styling from the plugin. So if you had any custom styling you will probably lose it and will have to adapt it again. main reason for that is that it caused many issues to many users, browser and theme compatibility issues, it is hard to maintain and i believe that it will be much easier for users to style it the way they want.
  8. shortcodes name  changed from "wppl" to "gmw":
    • main shortcode - [gmw]
    • posts results - [gmw_results]
    • friends results - [gmw_friends_results]
    • current location - [gmw_current_location]
    • single location - [gmw_single_location]
    • single member - [gmw_member_location]
  9. Some of the settings in the "search form shortcodes" and other shortcodes changed as well. Now you can set the "Width" and "Height" of the maps to either pixels or percentage. in the "search form shortcodes" settings  and in the "single location" and "single member" shortcodes. for example: [gmw_single_location width="100%" height="200px"] .


Very important:
1) this is a BETA version and bugs and other issues are expected.
2) Many changes had been made to the files, code and css 
Please use it on a test site or if you decide you want to use it on a live site make sure to backup your current version of the plugin if you have any custom styling.


There are other changes i probably have not mentioned. Hopefully by the time the final version will be released i will have documentation ready as well


Premium users:
Please contact me at for the beta of the premium add-ons


One Last thing:

I have put countless hours developing GEO my WP trying to give you the best experience -  Over 4 months on this coming update and over 2 years since its first line of code - and i am still far from being done. Please take a moment to support my work:

Rate GEO my WP

any of your support will be greatly appreciated!Hope you will find the new update useful. Please report any issues, feedback or suggestion about this beta version using the comments of this post.


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New Beta is ready:
Many bug fixes and warning.
If you are using the premium add-ons please contact me to sent you the new updates.
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Beta 6 is ready and should be the last beta version before the final release.

Below are few major changes and features in the update:

1)New, improved pagination - new buttons, new styling and fix the issue where it shows infinite pagination buttons when having many results.

2) Per page select box in results page. now you can change the "per page" in the results page. To use it you need to add multiple values (comma separated) in the "per page" settings when editing the shortcode. Having one value the plugin will use it as the default value with no select box.

3) There is no more use for the "form_only" attribute when using gmw shortcode. In order to have the results showing in a different page you will have to select the page in the shortcode setting.
and add [gmw_results] to that page. selecting "same page" in the select box will tell the plugin to display the results in the same page. So now you can have a different results page for each of your shortcodes.

4) There is no more use for the shortcode [gmw_friends_results]. [gmw_results] will now serve as a results page for both posts and buddypress members.

5) In the main setting page of GEO my WP you will choose a results page to be used with the widget. When using a widget the plugin will first look for a results page in the shortcode settings and if exist the results will be displayed in that page. otherwise it will be displayed in the page you selected in the setting page. This page will serve both posts and bddypress results.

6) New styling for the admin area and tooltips.

7) Folder names changed - geo-my-wp/plugins/gmw-friends-locator to geo-my-wp/plugins/friends

8) Finally got localization to GEO my WP. There are no translated files ready yet but a default PO file is in geo-my-wp/languages. the plugin is also ready to be used with right to left languages. Please, if any of you get to translate GEO my WP it will be much appreciated if you'll share the PO and mo files so others will be able to use it as well.

9) Please test the new features and report any bugs, warnings, localization issues or any other good (or bad) feedback 🙂

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