GEO my WP 3.0 Upgrade Process

By Eyal Fitoussi - Published on April 6, 2018

GEO my WP 3.0 was officially released a few days ago. Unfortunately, the upgrade process did not go as smooth as I wished for some users.

I truly apologize for any issues, and for the inconvenience caused by the latest release. However, I am here to help you with any of those issues.

If you have already updated to GEO my WP 3.0, and have issues, or questions, regarding the update. Please use the support forum or the support page to contact me.

Upgrade process

Listed below are the steps you should take to make the upgrade to v3.0 as smooth as possible. But before you do, please read the blog posts regarding v3.0 here and here, where you can learn about the major changes of v3.0.

    1. Disable any of the premium extension installed on your site before updating to GEO my WP 3.0.
    2. Update to GEO my WP 3.0.
    3. When the update is done you should see a notice to import your existing location to the new database table. Click on the button in the notice to navigate to the Import / Export page, where you can import the location with a click of a button. In case the notice does't show after the update, navigate to the Dashboard -> GEO my WP -> Import / Export -> GEO my WP v3 Importer tab, where the import buttions are.
    4. When you done importing the locations, navigate to GEO my WP -> Extensions. Some, or all of the core extensions, that where enabled before the update, might now be disabled. Enable any of the core extension that you'd like to use, then enable your premium extensions.
    5. Enter your license keys for the premium extensions and activate them. You should then see that a new update is available for the premium extensions. When you do see the notice, update your extension. Some users reported that the update notice does not show for them, or that the update doesn't work. If that is the case for you, please download the latest version from Your Account page and update it manually.
    6. When GEO my WP and the extensions activated, navigate to GEO my WP Settings page and make sure that everything is properly setup.
    7. Navigate to the Form page to make sure the forms are properly setup as well. It is possible that some of the form settings will not import properly during the upgrade.

Most of the reported issues with v3.0 so far were related to the steps above. Such as the locations importer does not work, automatic updates of the extensions do not show, and for a couple of users the new database tables were not created during the update.

Please contact me if you experience any of the issues above, or other issues as well.

Custom Template Files Folders Names

If you are using custom template files ( search forms, search results, info-window...) for your forms, you have to rename the folders that contains the custom template files. The new folder names described below:

      • Posts Locator templates - rename "posts" to "posts-locator" in theme-or-child-theme-folder/geo-my-wp/posts-locator/...
      • Members Locator templates - rename "friends" to "members-locator" in theme-or-child-theme-folder/geo-my-wp/members-locator/...
      • Buddypress Groups Locator templates - change "groups" to "groups-locator" in theme-or-child-theme-folder/geo-my-wp/groups-locator/...
      • WordPress Users Locator templates - change "users" to "users-locator" in theme-or-child-theme-folder/geo-my-wp/users-locator/...
      • The folder "info-window-template" should now be "info-window". For example, theme-or-child-theme-folder/geo-my-wp/posts-locator/info-window/...
      • Global Maps extension - create "global-maps" folder under the folder of any of the components mentioned above, and inside that folder create the sub-folders "search-forms" and "info-window". For example, theme-or-child-theme-folder/geo-my-wp/posts-locator/global-maps/search-forms/...
      • Nearby Locations extension - create "nearby-locations" folder under the folder of any of the components mentioned above, and inside that folder create your custom template files. For example, theme-or-child-theme-folder/geo-my-wp/posts-locator/nearby-locations/lightcoral

Custom Template File Structure

Some template functions were renamed or deprecated in GEO my WP 3.0. You should compare your search form and search result custom template files with core template files provided in GEO my WP 3.0 , and update your custom template file based on that.

In addition to the template functions, the structure of the search results template file was modifed as well. Now, the search results template file contains the no results message. When you open a results template file from GEO my WP 3.0 core plugin, you should see a structure like:

    results functions....

    no results functions....

You must apply this change in your search results custom template file so it will work properly.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me with any feedbacks, questions or bug reports.

Thank you,