GEO my WP free version update 1.7

By Eyal Fitoussi - Published on January 2, 2013

HAppy holidays and happy new year. Holidays got me away from the computer for a while and things got delay a bit. a have uploaded the new update 1.7 for the free version to and you can download it right now. I am still working on the update for the premium version as well as on the new site and hopefully will be available soon.
The new update is a major update as i was redoing most of the core which took care of many bug fixes, security issues and performance.
some of the changes made are below:

  • * Works with WordPress 3.5.
  • * SQL queries are now more secure and were modified for better performance.
  • * "User Current location" widget/shortcode were improved - better looking and better performance. Few bugs were fixed as well.
  • * Locator and cookies were improved and now working better when trying to locate a user and when saving the information via cookies. Modified to work better with different languages and fixed issues with special characters.
  • * buddypress - "location" tab modified - looking better and easier to work with.
  • * Geocode function improved when geocoding and saving information via database.
  • * fix issues when using WordPress multisite - now can be use when multisite activated and fixed issue were address field will not show in the New/Edit post page.
  • * Now can choose the locator icon for each search form in the shortcode settings.
  • * "member's location widget" - Improved and bug fixes.
  • * backend - visually improved.
  • * widgets names were changed from WPPL to GMW.
  • * Javascript/jQuery - improved in the backend and the front end.
  • * Files and folders better organized.
  • * Map, markers and info windows - visually improved as well as performance.

please advice for any bugs or other issues in the forum or contact me at