GEO my WP 2.4.4

By Eyal Fitoussi - Published on May 13, 2014

GEO my WP 2.4.4 change-log

  1. WordPress 3.9.1 and BuddyPress 2.0.1 ready
  2. Updated: Code generating taxonomies in the search forms and results. Please re-save your forms after update.
  3. Fix: issue with Sweed-date settings on multisite installation.
  4. improved: Styling for fronend, backend, search forms and search results template files were improved.
  5. Improved: show/hide additional information in markers info windows based on the form's settings.
  6. New: added the option for JavaScript geocoding to try overcome the OVER_QUERY_LIMIT issue.
  7. New: Admin Edit Post page media button to quick add GEO my WP shortcodes.
  8. New: Rename your forms.
  9. New: Shortcode usage description within each form in the form builder page.
  10. New: Single Location shortcode usage added to the shortcodes page.
  11. New: Hooks to manipulate form output.
  12. New: Info window added to the marker representing the user's current location saying "Your location". Can be automatically open on map load.
  13. New: Get direction links now displaying map based on the language set in GEO my WP main settings page.
  14. New: Show/hide Memebr's name above map when using the Member Location widget/shortcode.
  15. New: Use Member's Location widget/shortcode on single post page to show location of the post author.
  16. New: Single Location shortcode can now display the distance of post from the user's current location when exist. when using this feature the user's current location will as well be displayed on the map.
  17. New Single Location shortcode can now display the post title.
  18. New: First horizental search form for Post types locator.
  19. New: First grid style search results for Post Types locator.
  20. New: "gmw_update_user_location" function that can be used with custom forms in order to save WP users/BP members location.

GEO my WP 2.4.4 Main Changes/Features

Taxonomies core code

Some of the code that generates the taxonomies in the search form and results has been modified. Please update your forms update the update.

JavaScript Geocoding

New/old feature added back is JacaScript geocoding when submitting a search form. This feature added back to the plugin to try overcome the OVER_QUERY_LIMIT issue that some users experiencing. When OVER_QUERY_LIMIT retuned by Google API means that the address entered is not being geocoded and so no results showing up. Only if you are experiencing this issue you can try to fix it by checking the "JavaScript Geocoding" checkbox in GEO my WP "Settings" page.

GEO my WP short codes Media button

New GEO my WP Form button added to the Edit Post page in the admin dashboard. The button will allow you to quick add form short codes to any of your post or pages.

Rename Your Forms

You can now rename your forms when you create a new form or update an existing one. Make it easier to track your forms when you have many of them.

Single Location shortcode usage added to the short codes page

Usage instruction for Single Location short code added to the shortcodes page of GEO my WP.

User's Current Location Marker's Info-Window

This feature will now open an info-window for the marker represents the user's current location. It can be opened on marker clicked or you can set it to automatically open on map load. You can set it in the form builder under the "Map" tab.

Get Directions Link Map language

All "Get Directions" links were update to open Google map in the language set in the "Settings" Page of GEO my WP.

Member's Location shortcode/widget

Member's location shortcode/widget updated with new features. You can now Choose to Show/Hide member's name above the map when displaying member's location. Also, the shorcode/widget will now work on a single post page and will display the post author's location. All you need to do is set the new short code attribute "show_on_single_post" to 1 or check the "Display on single post page " checkbox when using the widget.

Single Location Shortcode

  • improved styling mostly for better responsiveness.
  • Show/hide post title above the map.
  • You can now set the short code to display the distance of the post from the user's current location when exits. When choosing to display the distance a marker representing the user's current location will be displayed on the map as well.

Horizontal Search Form for Posts Locator

Horizontal-Gray: New search form horizontal style added to Post Type locator add-on. You can now display a nice, minimal search form for your posts. Note that there is a custom function in the search form template file that hides the taxonomies label and displays it within the drop down menus as the default option. You can see a live demo here.
Horizontal search form for Members Locator is planned for the next update of the plugin.

Grid-style Search Results Template

Grid-gray: Grid-style results template added to the Post Types locator add-on. You can have it different now and display your search results in a clean responsive, grid-style. You can see a live demo here.
Grid-style results for Members Locator is planned for the next update of the plugin.

So, do you think it is enough for a feedback? if so please rate GEO my WP. Otherwise, tell me how to improve it.