Multiple Locations

Manage multiple locations per object

The Multiple Locations extension makes it possible to add multiple locations to the GEO my WP's objects. Objects are post types ( when using the Posts Locator core extension ), BuddyPress members ( when using the Members Locator core extension ), BuddyPress Groups ( when using the BP Groups Locator premium extension ), and WordPress ( Users when using the WordPress Users Locator premium extension ).

The Multiple Locations extension replaces the default Location form provided by GEO my WP with a Locations dashboard that makes it easy to manage an object's locations. The dashboard displays all the locations of a specific object, and users can use it to add, edit, and delete their locations.

When searching for locations using GEO my WP's search forms, GEO my WP will search and display all the different locations of each object.


  • WordPress 4.5+
  • GEO my WP 3.6.1+


The Multiple Locations extension is compatible with the core extensions and with the premium extensions listed below ( the premium extensions listed below are not included when purchasing the Multiple Locations extension and can to be purchased separately ):

Multiple Locations Key Features

Manage Multiple Locations

Add multiple locations to GEO my WP's object which can then be searched and found using GEO my WP's search forms and maps.

Locations Dashboard

Using the Locations dashboard you can easily add, edit, and delete the locations of a specific object. The dashboard can be placed on any page of your site using a shortcode.

Locations Dashboard Button

Use a shortcode to display a button that will redirect the user to a specific Locations Dashboard. You can use this shortcode in the content area of any page, and you can place it in a single template file so the logged-in user will see it when visiting his posts in the front-end of your site.

Single Object Locations shortcode

Display the locations of a specific object anywhere on your site using a shortcode.

Single Object Location Shortcode

Unlimited Features

Unlock all extensions and enjoy unlimited features with our Access Passes. It's the best value for WordPress developers!

View Access Passes

Prefer a Single Extension?

You can purchase this extension only. Perfect if you only need this specific functionality!

**All license options include 1 year of support and updates from the date of purchase. Licenses are billed annually and will renew automatically unless canceled. For additional details, visit our FAQ section or feel free to contact us with any pre-sales question.


  • Version 2.0.2
  • Developed by Eyal Fitoussi
  • Requires WordPress 5.6+
  • Requires GEO my WP 4.0+
  • View changelog
  • View documentation
  • Ask a pre-sale questions
  • Requirements

    WordPress 5.6 or higher
    GEO my WP 4.0 or higher
    • 2.0.2 - 7/14/24
      • Tweak: add settings to enable a locator button in the address field.
    • 2.0.1 - 10/22/23
      • Fix: missing label for the \"Address Autocomplete\" option on the Settings page.
    • 2.0 - 08/26/23
      • This is a major release that is compatible with GEO my WP v4.0. Please read this post before updating the extension on your site.
    • Version 1.1.1 - 10/11/21
      • Tweak: new shortcode attribute \'location_types_only\' to limit the locations dashboard to location types only.
      • Minor bugs fix.
    • Version 1.1 - 01/30/21
      • Note: This version requires GEO my WP v3.7.
      • New: integration with the new Location Types feature of GEO my WP. Allow admin to pre-define location types that can be displayed in the Locations dashboard by default.
      • New: Shortcodes to populate a button that displays the locations dashboard of the specific objects.
      • New: single-location-type.php to output the location type in the dashboard.
      • New: function gmw_ml_locations_dashboard_shortcode() and shortcode [gmw_locations_dashboard] to display the locations dashboard of any object.
      • New: template file that displays when the user does not have permission to view the locations dashboard. The file is blank by default.
      • Fix: wrong shortcode attribute.
      • Fix: PHP warning. Verify that location types found before trying to get an array of their IDs.
      • Tweak: use \'default location\' text as the title when the location title is missing in the Locations dashboard.
      • Tweak: pass the class name of the different Objects\' location form via the \'location_form_class\' argument of the objects dashboard class.
      • Tweak: verify the user\'s permission to the dashboard.
      • Tweak: Replace the \"date\" column of the Locations dashboard with the \"actions\" column.
      • Tweak: Rename gmw_ml_return_to_dashboard_button() to gmw_ml_return_to_page_button().
      • Tweak: move the dashboard locations loop into its own file named location-list.php.
      • Various bug fixes and improvements.
      • WPCS.
    • Version 1.0 -11/25/2020
      • Initial release